5 reasons Arturo’s deployment is setting trends in the P&C industry

Over the last several weeks, Arturo shared a three-part series that deep dives into the strength of our labeling process and how our team, technology, and processes separate us from the competition and enable our on-demand processing, resulting in the most accurate and up-to-date property information available to property and casualty insurance carriers. 


Even with all the best labels and machine learning models in the world, it’s all for naught if it isn’t deployed promptly. According to Lead DevOps Engineer Ryan McRobie and Software Engineer Liza Kishchukova, speed to market is what sets Arturo apart from others in the property and casualty insurance industry. In this post, Ryan and Liza help outline all the details that must come together for fast deployment and how it puts Arturo at the head of the P&C class.


Reliable, constant contact

Oftentimes, it can seem as though different departments within a company are speaking different languages. But at Arturo, common tool kits and programming languages both contribute to scalability across departments and platforms, according to Ryan, geared toward customer quality and individual developer speed. 


Seamless systems

By identifying and dismantling barriers encountered throughout the process, Arturo is able to test new changes in real-time rather than at the end of a project—a process that Ryan calls a “fail-fast approach.” He explains, “These little feedback loops are like dominos, from infrastructure to the staging environment and (quality assurance) to production. It allows us to move forward without having to check everything manually every time.” 


Clear client communication

The DevOps team goes through a weekly deploy cadence that creates new versions of the total platform to be released at any time without interruption, giving the client the opportunity to keep up with all the changes. These rolling deployments may not be noticeable to the client but are still communicated in the interest of transparency, whether it’s a bugfix, performance improvement or new feature. “Creating an open dialogue allows the client to develop a trusting relationship with us, knowing that we’re proactive rather than reactive,” Ryan says. 


Seamless teamwork

“The DevOps team has a fundamental philosophy on how deployments should ship,” Liza says of the change advisory board and review process put in place at Arturo. “If you want a better product, you change or update the process,” adding the team learns from each build to ensure the best possible code is delivered to the client. “We build the system for our clients but optimize it and refactor it for our team.” 


Bottom line

Ryan points to Arturo’s position as a startup for its healthy learning environment, where it’s OK to learn from mistakes as the company and its employees grow. “We’re a super humble group where you don’t have to know everything,” Ryan says, noting the team’s peer review process. “We all have the same vision of success. That’s how we grow.” 


To see for yourself how Arturo is implementing fast deployment for its clients, please request a demo.